Do you deeply desire to have the love, sex & harmony in your most intimate relationships?

Imagine what it would be like to be one of "those couples" you've probably seen that just exude passion and the point that it's almost annoying that they so blatantly have this thing that most of us want...And you just KNOW by looking at them that things get steamy between them.


What if...

  • You had that "dream relationship" that seems nearly impossible for you...but you still deeply desire it?
  • You could move into deep harmony & connection where you felt deeply seen, loved & passionate...even if it feels like that's impossible right now?
  • There was a way to navigate conflict with your partner...that led to deeper connection (and intimacy) instead of long drawn out fights?
  • You were able to transform your relationship into something that energizes you on all levels, instead of drains you?

 This is entirely possible for you...even if you can't currently see how you could ever get there.


Tell me if you've experienced this pattern...


A little spat occurs over something trival like the dishes.

One person says something (not even meaning anything negative by it) that hits their partner like a ton of bricks.

The other person, reacts as if they've just been deeply wounded...and fires back a comment in defense.

And then they spiral from here.

Could be hours, days, or even weeks before this situation resolves itself if it ever does.

This drives the couple further apart and away from the connection they need to not only navigate this spat, but to repair their relationship and bring them back into harmony.

Most couples experience this at some point.

It's really hard to feel kind and empathetic after those situations....let alone  passionate, romantic, and sensual.


It's not your fault! You just didn't have the right tools.


Most of us were not born with the tools that help us move into connection with our partner during conflict.

We just model what we were shown as younger people.

But if you look at those know the ones.

The ones that seem to be able to navigate anything together.

They seem to be able to lovingly have clear communications from a non-reactive place.

They seem to get closer after conflict because they see and feel each other deeply.

And you know they're having amazing make up sex. (The kind you wish you had after a fight...but don't at all.)

What's The Difference That Makes The Difference

With These Dream Couples?


These couples aren't special. Far from it actually.

They just have a set of skills that they've cultivated either naturally, or through coaching to help them navigate conflict quickly, easily, and in a way that builds connection and harmony instead of robbing it.

Think about how different you would feel toward your partner if you felt seen, heard, and understood...

And didn't have to always feel like you are the one compromising.

You CAN experience this!

It's not like a set of tools hidden away from the masses and kept for the wealthy or a secret society.

Most couples just don't take the time to look...which keeps them stuck in situations they could quickly turn into their dream scenario.

That's what I help individuals and couples all over the world do.



Enroll In The Divine Spot Today

The Divine Spot is the premiere program for men, women, couples, or singles looking to have more connection, harmony, romance & passion in their love life.


You will learn how to:

  • Stop repeating the unhealthy patterns in relationship that are creating disharmony and driving you further away from the romance and passion you desire.
  • Respond to  emotionally-charged situations in a way that help you feel heard and understood, and also create connection with your partner.
  • To set and reinforce boundaries, in a way that builds respect and desire from your partner.
  • Cultivate a deeper ability to be present and feel with your heart, resulting in an increase of compassion, joy, radiance, fullness, confidence & self-expression.
  • Develop deep connection, harmony & passion, so you can actually start to build a thriving relationship that is full of passion, great sex & a deep sense of fulfillment.

Emotional Resilience For Romance & Intimacy

Discover the root cause of why you and your partner get emotionally reactive and what to do about it. 

Somatic Tools For Transformation & Healing

Put an end to looping unhealthy patterns in your most intimate relationships so you can navigate conflict in a way that builds connection.

Effective Communication For Repair & Harmony

Discover how to communicate your needs & boundaries in a way that they can be received by your partner without the frustration and defensiveness.

Communication, Polarity, Dominance For Great Sex

Discover the keys to having more intimacy & better & more frequent sex that you BOTH enjoy and crave.

Enroll In The Inaugural Class of The Divine Spot Today.


Deadline to enroll is April 10rd


Thursdays from 6 - 7:30 CST

April 11 | April 18 | April 25 | May 2

90-Minute Live Group Classes
(60 min teaching/30 min Q/A)

Enroll In The Divine Spot Today



The D-Spot

3 monthly payments of $547.00 USD
The D-Spot

$1,497.00 USD



The D-Spot

3 monthly payments of $727.00 USD
The D-Spot

$1,997.00 USD

Hi, I am Joshua Wenner!

Fifteen years ago, I dedicated my work to helping high-achieving men, women & couples to control their emotional impulses, heal past pain & trauma & break free of codependency patterns so they can have thriving & passionate relationships and fall deeply in love with themselves & their partners. 

As I high-performer, I spent years in emotionally disregulaed states chasing external goals with past grief & trauma running my world unconsciously & looping unhealthy codependency relationship patterns which left me feeling unseen, unloved & alone. 

After decades of research, coaching 1,000’s of men & 100’s of couples, I’ve developed The D-Spot to help singles & couples create the harmony in their sex & love life by learning new tools & awareness & ways of loving themselves.


We want you to be satisfied with your purchase, but we also want you to give your best effort to apply allof the strategies in this course. For this purpose, we offer a 72-hour refund period. To activate a return, send notes from the content consumed and a description of why this program isn't working for you to [email protected].

Enroll Today And Start Living Your Dream Relationship With More Romance And Passion

Enroll In The Divine Spot Today